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Program 2023

Monday 4 December


17:00 – 18:30

Lecture hall

Opening Ceremony with Keynote Lecture HEMS – where are we heading

More than 50 years of HEMS in Europe has its history and histories. Meet Four Yorkshiremen and listen to their reflections.

Gerold Biner (CH)
Wolfgang Voelckel (AU)
David Lockey (UK)
Hans Morten Lossius (NO)
Marius Rehn (NO) – Chair

Tuesday 5 December


Lecture hall


Meet the expert

10:00 – 11:00

Lecture Hall

Opening Ceremony with Keynote Lecture HEMS – where are we heading

Prof Wolfgang Voelckel (AU)
Hans Morten Lossius (NO) – Chair

11:00 – 11:30

Visit the Exhibition

11:30 – 13:00

Lecture hall

Extremes in HEMS

HEMS and HEMS crews are faced with a diversity of challenges. Can we handle it all or do we need to specialize? Listen to the experience of field experts.

Urs Pietsch (CH) – Alpine environment
Hanne Iversen (NO) – Rural environment
Björn Hossfeld (DE) – Hostile environment
Malcolm Russell (UK) – Urban environment
David Lockey (UK) – Chair


Sustainable Mobility in (H)EMS

HEMS is responsible for a huge carbon footprint. The green transition will hit us hard. Are we prepared?

Jaap Hatenboer (NL) – HEMS and the green transition
Balkiz Sarihan (DE) – eVTOL and Airbus NextGen
Harald Jøsendal (NO)
Stefan Bestle (DE) – eVTOL in an established HEMS, a R&D project
Stephan Prückner (DE) – eVTOL as a part of EMS
Hans Morten Lossius (NO) – Chair

Meet the expert


From the scene to the ICU: Critical Care without Walls is dependent on a continous exploration, development and expansion of the evidence base of prehospital critical care. ECMO is a demanding, lifesaving, and a well established level one hospital intervention, but time is life and can we afford to squander the pre-hospital and inter-hospital time slots?

Dinis Dos Reis Miranda (NL) – Prehospital
Lars Falk (SE) – Transfers
Per Bredmose – Transfers(NO)
Torvind Næsheim (NO) – Transfers
Jostein Hagemo (NO) – Chair

13:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:30

Lecture hall

Providing Excellence in HEMS

Good strategies, fancy tools and hot SOPs are great, but some times we need to evaluate the outcome for course correction. We aim to provide excellence to our patients.

Stephan Prückner (DE) – How to build a robust HEMS system and structure to provide equal level care?
Andreas Krüger (NO) – How to measure and guide quality in HEMS?
Mikael Gellerfors (SE) – What is excellence in HEMS? The airway example
Anne Weaver (UK) – Clinical Governence in HEMS, how does it contribute to quality and excellence? (UK)
Stephen Sollid (NO) – Chair



People seek challenges in increasingly more challenging environments. And, when accidents hit, they rely on HEMS to save their “ass”. How do we access patients off-road and in places not suited for landing?

Gerold Biner (CH)
Urs Pietsch (CH)
Bernd Lang (AT)
Matthias Ruppert (DE)
William Ottestad – Chair

Meet the expert

Damage Control Resuscitation in HEMS

Fluids or not? But isn’t damage control resuscitation about more than the fluid discussion only?

Dr Perkins (UK) – Pre-hospital transfusion therapy in 2024.
Dr Miranda (NL) – Pre-hospital use of vasopressors in trauma.
Dr Brede (NO) – Pre-hospital invasive monitoring in trauma patients.
Leif Rognås (DK) – The death of permissive hypotension.

15:30 – 16:00

Visit the Exhibition

16:00 – 17:30

Lecture hall

Advanced Interventions in HEMS

Critical Care without Walls; we need to deliver pre-hospital critical care in line with patients’ needs and best practice. Borders are moved, but what are the evidences?

Karianne Larsen (NO) – Prehospital interventions in stroke
Dinis Dos Reis Miranda (NL) – Prehospital ECMO
Marit Bekkevold (NO) – NeoTransferes
Roland Albrecht (CH) – High risk infection transports –
Mikael Gellerfors (SE) – Chair


Break out session – hot topics

Listen in to the latest by the experts.

Tine Almenningen Flaa (NO) – Fatigue and HEMS – what we know and not know
Per Bredmose (NO) – Optimized simulation programs designed for efficiency and cost-effectiveness, leveraging minimal resources for maximum impact.
Erik Normann (NO) – All weather HEMS – the latest
Bernd Lang (AT) – ACRM
Bernd Lang (AT) – Chair

Meet the expert

Accidental Hypothermia in HEMS – What are we missing?

Patients are freezing to death. The prehospital treatment of accidential hypothermia is challenging, but are we missing crucial points?

Giacomo Strapazzon (IT) – Clinical and organizational aspects of the transport of accidentally hypothermic patients to hub and spoke hospitals
Erik Sveberg Dietrichs – Hypothermia and arrhythmias – are my drugs safe to use?
Brage Håheim
Erik Sveberg Dietrichs (NO) – Chair


Holmgang Event and Treat



Wednesday 6 December


Lecture hall


Meet the expert

09:00 – 10:00

Lecture hall

SJTREM Honorary Lecture

Professor Jo Røislien (NO)
Marius Rehn (NO) – Chair

10:00 – 10:30

Visit the Exhibition

10:30 – 12:00

Lecture hall

Major Trauma in HEMS

Trauma patients and trauma care are central elements in HEMS. The trauma population is changing and our toolbox is expanding. Listen in to new developments.

Björn Hossfeld (DE) – Prehospital regional anaesthesia in trauma
Anne Weaver (UK)
Wolfgang Voelckel (AU)
Zane Perkins (UK)
David Lockey (UK) – Chair


Medical cockpit (mock-up) incl in-cabin intubation, STROKE and REBOA

Treating patients in a confined area with limited weight capacity in a helicopter is demanding, and with a risk of both unacceptable patient safety and success rates. Can something be done to improve the working conditions for the medical crew?

Mikael Gellerfors (SE) – In-cabin intubation
Karianne Larsen (NO) – STROKE
Jostein Brede (NO) – REBOA
Even Wøllo (NO) – Chair

Meet the expert

HEMS: an integrated part of EMS

Looking solely at HEMS disregarding the other elements of the chain of survival is tempting, but futile. How can HEMS be a valued team member of the EMS society.

Stephan Prückner (DE)
Andreas Krüger (NO)
Leif Rognås (DK)
Kristin Tønsager (NO)
Stephen Sollid (NO) – Chair

12:00 – 13:00


13:00 – 13:50

Lecture hall

Lecture hall

Why do we have a helicopter dedicated to research and development? William Ottestad.
Technical information about the helicopter and lift. Erik Normann.
Incubator project: Noise and vibration. Fridtjof Heyerdahl.
Ultrasound project. Fridtjof Heyerdahl.
Access2Patient project with video. Thomas Dahle.
PINS and fog lights with video. Erik Normann.
Dog project with video. Magnus Wethal.
Raffle for a hoist tour for 2 guests. William Ottestad.

13:50 – 14:10


14:10 – 14:30

Heli Demo

We never get tired of admiring helicopters and their capacities!

William Ottestad (NO) – Chair