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Let’s look back to 2023!

Thank you for a successful Oslo HEMS Conference 2023!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s event! Your presence, enthusiasm and collaborative spirit made this first O-HEMS-C a great success. As we reflect on all the inspiring moments and valuable connections made throughout the Conference, we are thrilled to announce our upcoming conference scheduled for December 1-3, 2025! Make sure to mark your calendars for another round of collaboration and knowledge-sharing – we can’t wait to welcome you back for another unforgettable conference experience! Save the date for our next Conference! 

Oslo HEMS Conference 2023 Photo Gallery

Abstracts from the Oslo HEMS Conference 2023 Scientific Sessions

Neostress labtest with the development helicopter

Program 2023

Anne Weaver

Speakers 2023
