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Lab research

Call for Abstracts 2023

Abstract submissions

The Organising Committee of the Oslo HEMS Conference 2023 invites you to submit your original research abstracts for presentation at Oslo HEMS Conference December 4th-6th 2023. This conference will provide a platform for the prehospital care community, including clinicians, researchers and representatives from the various services and manufacturers within emergency medicine, to the brand-new Oslo HEMS Conference. We encourage contributions across a wide spectrum of relevant prehospital care fields, including but not limited to prehospital medicine, trauma, resuscitation, aviation, rescue techniques, basic medicine, animal models and translational research.

Submit Abstract here


Submitted abstracts will be considered for publication in a conference supplement of the Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (SJTREM) on an open access basis. Abstracts that have previously been published by the same author may be included given the Author has permission for such republication.


Accepted abstracts will be taken for presentation at the conference. The majority will be asked to present a poster, and a small number will be selected for oral presentation at “Holmgang”. Holmgang is an informal event where the author is given five minutes to present their work and five minutes for questions from the audience.

The author will be notified which presentation they are selected for when receiving the Notification of Acceptance on October 10th.

Please prepare a poster in portrait orientation in A1 size (594 x 841 mm). Accepted posters will be on display throughout the conference, and presenters will discuss them with judges at specified times. At least one of the authors must be attending the conference

Submission details

Submit your abstract to – Use the text «O-HEMS-C Abstract Submission» in the subject field when submitting your abstract.

By submitting this abstract you confirm that

Important dates

*Note that you are welcome to submit your work prior to this date.


File format

Please submit the abstract as a Microsoft Word-file (.DOC, .DOCX). Name the file “O-HEMS-C, Abstract, [your name]”, e.g.: O-HEMS-C, Abstract, John Smith.DOCX


UK or US English only.


Times New Roman, font size 12.


The title should be in bold, sentence case with no full stop at the end and no underlining, e.g.:

Results from experiments in this field


First name, middle initials if required, and surname with no full stop at the end. Underline the name of the corresponding author. A comma should separate author names. Where authors are from a number of different institutions, the appropriate institution number from the affiliation list should be given as a superscript number immediately after each author’s name, e.g.:

John Smith1, Susan Jones1, Bill Fisher2

An asterisk (*) should be used to link the corresponding author with their email address.

If the authors are presenting an abstract on behalf of a study group, this information should not be included in the author list but should appear in the Acknowledgements section.


Affiliations should include department, institute, town, and country. Only provide one affiliation per author. Where there are multiple affiliations, each should be listed as a separate paragraph. Each institute should appear in the order used against the author names (see above paragraph) and show the appropriate superscript number, e.g.:

1Department, University, Town, State, USA 
2University, Town, State, UK
3Company, Town, State, Canada

Main text

The abstract must be structured and not exceed 350 words, excluding title, authors and affiliations. Please minimise the use of abbreviations and do not cite references. Reports of randomized controlled trials should follow the CONSORT extension for abstracts ( The abstract must include the following separate sections:

Further, the abstract should adhere to the following:

Tables and Figures

One figure or table is allowed. The figure or table should be placed after Conclusions(or Trial registration) and must be mentioned in the main text. Tables should be formatted using the “table function” in a word processing program, not created with tabs or submitted as graphical items. Tables should not have highlighting or shading. Tables should be submitted in editable format. Table titles should be placed below the table e.g.:

Table. Short title, this is the text.

Figures must be supplied electronically in the body of the text at 300 dpi minimum. The figure must be inserted as a single, composite file and not inserted into a table. Please align figures with text. Figure titles must form part of the text file and not be part of the graphical figure and placed below the figure, e.g.:

Figure. Short title, must be separate, editable text and not embedded in image.


Brief acknowledgements may be included and should be placed after Conclusions(or Trial registration).

Consent and ethics

Any abstract that includes identifiable information about individual patients must include a Consent to Publish statement as a separate file.

Research involving human subjects must have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee.

If abstracts do not contain relevant ethics and consent statements, where required, they must be removed from submission.


References are not allowed.

Submit Abstract here

Example abstract

Call for abstract example
Submit Abstract here